Bollinger Rosé 750ml
Since 1829, Bollinger has been producing great champagnes with a powerful, sophisticated and complex style. In the last 180 or so years they have built a reputation of the highest standard. Rich and subtle with a pleasant nose and flavours that come back begging you for more, this is one of the finest Rosé Champagnes.

Bollinger Rosé is bright with subtle golden hues showcasing a combination of structure, length and vivacity, with a tannic finish due to the adjunction of only 5% red wine from the vineyards of Verzenay and Aÿ. Bubbles as fine as velvet and hints of red currant, cherry and wild strawberry; a spicy touch, not unlike Special Cuvée. With its intimate and unusual flavours, Bollinger Rosé can be served for afternoon tea, Bollinger-style. It is also perfect for a picnic on a summer afternoon, as a pre-dinner drink or served with a fruity and tart dessert. To fully appreciate its unique style, bouquet and aromas, Bollinger Rosé is best served between 10 and 12°C. Enjoy it now!

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Bollinger Rosé 750ml
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